
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Home-made natural yoghurt

1 pint whole milk
One tablespoon 'culture' (old yoghurt or even any natural yoghurt)

Bring to boil the pint of milk in a small milk pan. 

Once there is a small amount of froth, turn off the heat and leave to cool.

Add the yoghurt culture/starter to the cooled milk.

Now transfer to a container of bowl that you want to keep the yoghurt in, cover with a lid, and wrap with a tea towel, leave in a dry warm place. ( I usually put it into the oven, switched off of course!!)

Store there no less than 6 hours, but no more than 10 hours

The less time you leave it the sweeter it will be.

I usually do it before I go to bed, so I have fresh home-made yoghurt for breakfast!

Voila! Home-made natural yoghurt!

Serve with hot sweet tea and home-made bread. 

*Home-made bread - Kurdish style 'kulera' will be posted soon!

Pink Walnut Bomb Cake

2 cups plain flour
1 stick butter
1 cup Sugar
One tablespoon instant coffee
Food Colouring - Red
1/2 cup whole milk

1/2 stick butter
Small handful of walnuts
Icing Sugar

In a small bowl, sieve out 2 cups of plain flour. Add baking powder and set aside.
Dissolve the coffee and red food colouring and also set aside.
I intend on making a pink cake so i did not use too much. However, you can add any colour you want!

Measure out the butter and sugar and cream together.
Add the eggs one at a time

Add the food colouring and coffee to the butter and sugar mixture.

While slowly mixing, alternately add the flour and milk (you can replace this with buttermilk or even creamed yoghurt!)

Add vanilla extract.

Grease and flour the cake pan

Place into a pre-heated oven at 175 for 20-25mins.

Once cooled add vanilla butter-cream between the layers.
Then crush walnuts (or hazelnuts) and add to butter-cream icing.

Cover the cake with the mixture and add one single walnut to decorate.
